
Swapneel Wagholikar

About Me

I am a Master's student at University of Pennsylvania. I am primarily engaged in computer vision and path planning projects in robotics, and am enthusiastic about autonomous robotic systems and sensors.

In my free time I love to explore the wilderness and go on hikes. I post my findings on YouTube and blog my experiences (links below!). On a fine winter weekend, you will find me at my home, sipping coffee, listening to good instrumental music or playing guitar (my newest hobby!).


Maglev Aero

Robotics and Aerosapce Intern

Eaton India Innovation Center LLP.

Associate Engineer

Served as a SDE at Eaton Aerospace. Developed digitization ML tools for automated requirements assesment.

Mercedes Benz India Ltd.

Project Trainee

Worked on multiple line balancing, digitization, continuous improvement projects and 6-Axis industrial robots as a part of this project internship


University of Pennsylvania

August 2021 - May 2023

Masters of Science in Robotics (Applied Mechanics)

University of Pune

May 2016 - May 2020

Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering


Local Path Planning Methods- RRT, RRT*

More details on Github:  



Demonstration - RViz

Demonstration - Actual Car

SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping) and Particle Filter for localization

Demonstrated Point to Line Iterative Close Point scan match on occupancy grid map. Particle Filter for state estimation and map localization. Pure pursuit for locomotion.


Pose Estimation, Scan Match Simulation

Map generation using Hector SLAM

Autonomous Racing Reactive Navigation

Gap follow and Obstacle avoidance using Hokuyu 2D LIDAR. Reactive navigation in close loop college corridor ROS2 and C++. Wall follow and Follow-The-Gap algorithm


Gap Follow

Wall Follow

Pick and Place, Path Planning using A*, RRT for 7 DOF Robotic Arm

Solved the pick and place task for static and dynamic blocks. Rotations and translation using Homogeneous transformations. Implemented A* and RRT algorithms for the 7-dof Franka Emika PANDA robotic manipulator arm in ROS using Python.

More details on Github:  


Autonomous Battle Robot

Designed and built an autonomous wall following robot. Localization using HTC Vive in C. Obstacle detection, frequency detection and wall following.


Get in touch


Phone: +1(862)842-0949